Hello, I'm on the way to the airport so I couldn't check if I made some mistakes during the print setup, but I think the under carriage of the back part is not aligning with the back part with the doors, the hooks are just a tiny bit too "short". Sorry can't tell you the names of the pieces of as I don't have the manual with me, but it should be clear from the photos. Maybe it's my fault, just wanted to give you a heads-up in case it isn't, I was just playing around with the already printed parts until my departure:
Ah and one of the radar pieces is not correctly oriented when you put it onto your print bed, it should be upside down for printing without supports.
I can also see a lot more layer lines than I'm used to in my prints, so I'm not sure if there's something else wrong on my side, but this will have to wait for a later check until I'm back, might be the 0.15 layer height or the filament as I used a rather cheap one for the test printing ;)

I'm back at home, and I managed to make it fit by just hard pushing an sanding the parts a litte bit ;) But there is another small mistake I found with the roof: In the manual for the Iron Clad on picture 22: there you can see 6 connections with SP1 (its saying just 3x are needed for whatever reason, but its obvious that you need 6) but here comes the catch, on the left roof part there are only 4 cutouts for the connectors, the right side is fine ;)
thx for the quick fix
replacement file for the radar is empty
Hi, Thank you so much for the info. I'm sorry this happened! I made some last minute changes to the back of the Ironclad to make the doors print in place with hinges. Let me make sure I didn't accidently bump something around. If you aren't using couplers you could probably just clip those two pieces off and be fine, but I'll do some investigating and see what I find!