Here I will be listing updates as revisions are made. You can find the revised files on the Downloads page. For now you will need to refer to the email you received and follow the link. Update 08/28/24: Mini Container Shell
This file corrects the missing hinge slot on the Mini Container Shell.
Location: Depot Terrain STLs/Mini Container STLs
REPLACE FILE MCS_ContainerShell.stl with MCS_Container_Shell_Updated_082824.stl
Or re-download the revised package.

Update 08/28/24: Full Parts List PDF has now been added to the Download page.
Update 08/29/24: Bastion Engine Roof Left & Right
This file corrects the missing pin holes on CRA and CRB
Location: WarEngine STLs/Bastion Engine STLs/4. Roof Assembly Parts
REPLACE FILE CRA_RoofLeft.stl with CRA_RoofLeft_Updated_082924.stl
REPLACE FILE CRA_RoofRight.stl with CRA_RoofRight_Updated_082924.stl
Or re-download the complete revised package.

Update 08/29/24: Imperial Ironclad Radar (Bottom) Axis Correction
This file corrects axis orientation for RR2.
Location: WarEngine STLs/Imperial Ironclad STLs/4. Roof Assembly Parts
REPLACE FILE RR2_Radar_Bottom.stl with RR2_Radar_Bottom_Updated_082924.stl
Or re-download the complete revised package.

Update 09/12/24: Imperial Ironclad Roof Left - Pin Hole Correction
This file corrects missing pin holes in BRA.
Location: WarEngine STLs/Imperial Ironclad STLs/4. Roof Assembly Parts
REPLACE FILE BRA_Roof_Left.stl with BRA_Roof_Left_091224.stl
Or re-download the complete revised package

Update 09/15/24: Imperial Ironclad Main Body
This file corrects the floating Star Bolts on the Main Body (BM1).
Location: WarEngine STLs/Imperial Ironclad STLs/3. Initial Main Body Assembly Parts
REPLACE FILE BM1_MainBody.stl with BM1_MainBody_Updated_091524.stl
Or re-download the complete revised package

Update 10/7/24: Off-Track Conversion - Tread Drive Wheel
This file corrects the floating layers in Bambu Studios with Tread Drive Wheel (MDW).
Redownload Off-Track Conversion. Updated File is MDW_Tread_DriveWheel_Corrected_100724.stl

Update 10/23/24: 3 Degree and 6 Degree Classic Track Fix
This file corrects the floating sleepers 3 and 6 Degree Classic Tracks.
Location: Track STLs/Classic Tracks
REPLACE FILE F6R_Track_Curve_6Degree_RIGHT.stl with F6R_Track_Curve_6Degree_RIGHT_Corrected_102324.stl
REPLACE FILE F6L_Track_Curve_6Degree_LEFT.stl with F6L_Track_Curve_6Degree_LEFT_Corrected_102324.stl
REPLACE FILE F3R_Track_Curve_3Degree_RIGHT.stl with F3R_Track_Curve_3Degree_RIGHT_Corrected_102324.stl
REPLACE FILE F3L_Track_Curve_3Degree_LEFT.stl with F3L_Track_Curve_3Degree_LEFT_Corrected_102324.stl
Or re-download the complete revised package.

Hi, just an FYI the single download for the Imperial Ironclad Radar Axis Correction does not have the associated file. The downloaded zip folder is empty.