Not sure if this is the right place for this post but I did not see a suggestions box area! The 3 and 6 degree curved track STLs seem to be problematic. If I understand what the issue is, it appears that two ties are sitting flat on the bed and the rest are elevated slightly which causes the print to fail 100% of the time as most of the model is off of the bed.
I have no problems printing the straight and 12 degree curves however so I am fairly certain the issue is not on my end. Definitely willing to try out any suggestions to correct the problem on my end though.
Hi, Derk! I'm so sorry about this. You're absolutely right. The final files appear to not have the sleepers completely level for the shallow curved tracks. I imagine this happened during my final file conversion process. I'll create a fix for this asap! Thank you for letting me know! -Cassidy